
2.4 Git Basics

The CONTRIBUTING.md file is modified but once again unstaged. Note. It's true that git reset can be a dangerous command, especially if you provide the ...

Git Undo Commit

2020年11月25日 — If you must undo changes in a shared branch of a shared repo, the best tool to use is git revert <commit id>. It reverts the changes done by the ...

How to undo local changes to a specific file [duplicate]

2015年7月8日 — Git introduced a new command git restore in version 2.23.0 . Therefore, if you have git version 2.23.0+ , you can simply git restore filename.

Introduction to undoing things in git

2020年1月13日 — Undoing a commit. If you have modified, added and committed changes to a file, and want to undo those changes, then you can again use git reset ...

Undo Local Changes With Git

2021年3月30日 — If a changed file has been staged via git add , then you need to use git reset to pull the most recently committed version of the file and undo ...

Undoing Changes in Git

To undo changes in the working directory you can edit files like you normally would using your favorite editor. Git has a couple utilities that help manage the ...

檔案還原· Git

不論檔案狀態是modified 或是deleted 都可以用 git checkout -- <file> 來還原檔案的內容. 使用 git reset HEAD <file> 來還原檔案狀態. 簡單來說,這是一個把綠色變回 ...


TheCONTRIBUTING.mdfileismodifiedbutonceagainunstaged.Note.It'struethatgitresetcanbeadangerouscommand,especiallyifyouprovidethe ...,2020年11月25日—Ifyoumustundochangesinasharedbranchofasharedrepo,thebesttooltouseisgitrevert.Itrevertsthechangesdonebythe ...,2015年7月8日—Gitintroducedanewcommandgitrestoreinversion2.23.0.Therefore,ifyouhavegitversion2.23.0+,youcansimplygitrestorefi...

Copy Changed Files - 異動檔案備份工具

Copy Changed Files - 異動檔案備份工具
